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Gowdy: Oversight Committee Getting Answers on Libya Security Threats Before Benghazi Attack
Libya Consulate Attacks: Rep. Gowdy Discusses Weds Hearing
Libya: Security Requests Denied Before Benghazi Attacks
Issa: It Appears Obama Admin Ignored Libya Security Threats Before Benghazi Attack
Gowdy Calls for Clear Answers on Benghazi from the Administration
Chaffetz: Whistleblowers Suggest Obama Admin Denied Requests for More Libya Security Before Attack
Chaffetz: The Truth About Libya Security, Benghazi on US Diplomats
Did Obama Admin Deny Increased Security Requests by US Diplomats in Libya Before Attack?
CBS Evening News: US Staff in Libya Denied Extra Security Plane Before Benghazi Attack
Benghazi Attack - ISSA: Security Needs to be Increased
Good Morning America Reports: US Embassy Staff Security Requests Denied Before Benghazi
CHAFFETZ: Moral Imperative To Thoroughly Investigate Security Failures in Benghazi